Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012, on hindsight

I began this year an engaged woman. haha. And what a journey it has been, and still is. We got to know each other with the knowledge that we were looking to settle down and Alhamdulillah (for it is a blessing regardless of what I feel at the moment) we've come this far. We've known each other for slightly more than 3 years, been together for less than that, been engaged for a year... And a few months more, I would be undertaking a new portfolio.. Only He knows my prayers.

I also started the year hung over from the beauty I witnessed in faraway lands. I left my heart in Morocco. And I pray for another chance to witness His magnificence there and elsewhere. But Alhamdulillah, what an experience it was.

Once the year started, work was a whirlwind. Busy year, new profile of children, wonderful friends. Within the first few wks we had camp.. and yeah.. it was non-stop hits after that. Alhamdulillah for the experience. NauzubIllah, may He protect me and the children form any ill effects of my teaching. In Shaa Allah, He will protect and guide them where I was lacking.

I sang at a book launch. It's my love that tortures me. Part guilt. Part excitement. But teaching's taking away the magic.

2 of my cousins got engaged Alhamdulillah. Newsie. Manis. :) The '85's. I love us.

This year, my furry babies were born. I lost 1. May He allow me to meet my little smally. I'm sorry I failed you little one. Forgive me Ya Raab. But I still have 4 more. Theyre growing up fast and I can't be any prouder of my beautiful babies. I saw them being brought into this world. It wasn't east for mommy either. The love and care my princess put into raising her babies, I pray I'll find that instinct when my turn comes. Shukur for having them. I don't know how I'll react when they have to leave. :(

I'm thankful for my family. We ended last year and welcomed this with one which is complete. 10 years we endured and made do. Now we're whole again and I give thanks for You for putting us on this journey for I feel it made us stronger. My other family members, the ones who complete us. My cousins who I'm thankful for coz they too are my friends. Alhamdulillah. I cannot imagine how it would be without them. We welcomed Mumu into our clan and we're thankful for the happiness he brings us, for the example that his parents set for the rest of us. Bless my family Ya Raab. For they have sheltered me when I was in need. They deserve Your protection and love.

My friends. I've learnt that for those we welcome, some we need to let go. I pray they'll continue serving as my inspiration and good examples while we are able to rub shoulders for this short short time.

The sun replaces the moon in cycles, until the day He wills it not to be. I'm thankful for the yesterdays, look forward to the tomorrows and pray that whatever comes next, I be empowered with all the strength He feels fit to gift to me.

Step 2 complete

Last night I finally registered for our wedding. This morning the shit hit the fan. Big hullabaloo when there was no cause to making me lose faith in his abilities.

But as I said before, lillahita'ala. And since He test you for every declaration, this is my test. I pray for strength, wisdom, His guidance, love and patience.

He will not test us with what we cannot bear. He is our protector, He is our Lord. As He gives, He can take away.

Pardon me Ya Lateef.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Step 1 complete

Today we finished our 2 day marriage prep course. It was by BDMI. Even though it was in Malay, I didnt have difficulty with the content hahaha. ALHAMDULILLAH, it was an interesting knowledge sharing session for me. It was also an eye opener. We'll register our nikah insyaAllah on Tuesday. Step 2 will be done then.

Ya Raab, everything happens because you have deemed it best. Bless us, guide us, forgive us and show us the best of ways.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Chez Shix:Baking, Holiday Edition

So I've been asked why I bake. I guess it's firstly coz someone wants it. then coz i think i can. that's about it. haha.. i won't bake something no one wants to eat coz i dont really like cookies or cakes or breads... haha.. So without further ado, let's take a look at what I've been baking

First, Custard buns at my mother's request...

Followed by a cheese and tomato focaccia

Then a blueberry buttermilk muffin which I brought along for a picnic with the fainters

And lastly a healthy peach and oats muffin. No, it wasnt up to par.

I'll add the links and ingredients in soon.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Step 1: Attend Marriage Prep Course

On Wednesday, I paid for my marriage prep course at Istighfar. Tomorrow is Day 1 of the course. I KWL-ed with Mr R about what he has to learn and obviously he was a little shy about it. But what he said touched me. It was to find out his responsibilities. I'm trying to keep an open mind about what's in store but I have to say I'm worried. Yes, this whole wedding thingamajig scares me. Money, responsibilities, future.. sighs.

but oh well, as Ms K said, we're doing this lillahita'ala. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I hit the (bread) motherload

Meet my awesome breads

All of which are made possible by this lady's awesome recipe. I'm not allowed to comment but if I did, I would thank her for being awesome. It's not perfect yet but I'm pretty damn close. This is the softest bread I've made so far and ALHAMDULILLAH it's a hit with the family.



  • 350 gm bread flour
  • 55 gm caster sugar
  • 5 gm salt
  • 1 medium sized egg
  • 125 ml milk 
  • 120 gm tangzhong (water roux made of 1 part flour, 5 parts water)
  • 5g instant yeast
  • 30 gm butter (cut into small pieces, softened at room temperature)

  • Filling

    Whatever you want. I used floss and sausages

    1. Make the tangzhong (I've not idea how you're supposed to read this word) and let cool to room temp
    2. Heat up the milk till it is luke warm. (Too hot and you're gonna kill the yeast)
    3. Mix the milk, yeast and approx half the sugar till the yeast dissolves and set it aside for 10mins
    4. Mix the flour and salt into a separate bowl. 
    5. Mix up the yeast solution, egg and rest of the sugar before dunking everything into the flour. 
    6. Knead
    7. Add in the butter
    8. Knead. Slap it around. Knead.
    9. Let it rise in a greased bowl for 1 1/2 hr (it was a cold night)
    10. Shape your dough to little pieces (i get 16 pieces of 5cm balls) and fill them up with whatever
    11. Let it rise for another 30-45 min
    12. Bake at 160deg for 20 min.

    Now, you can enjoy your little pillows 

    Monday, November 26, 2012

    Dining Room Design (Edited: Take 2)

    The dining room I have in mind would be simple and heavily used. HDB gave us this idea

    I'd love to have my dining room look like this:


    I'd like to bring down half the wall of the kitchen near the shelter but still make my lower half cabinet as per normal. Dining table then placed with the width perpendicular to the wall or with enough walking space I'd like to get a table similar to the 2nd pic, a bench pressed flush against the wall with a glass topped table and central legs to give a greater illusion of space.

    The turquoise walls still remain like so:

    With a clear glass table kinda like this
    with an easy-to-clean bench on one side
    And a lighting fixture like so 

    And the thing I love mostest is that the lightings can be bought right here in sg.

    Thursday, November 22, 2012

    Living Room Ideas

    As I've mentioned previously, my crazy colour palette looks something like this

    From other online sources, I know my house will b a mirror image of this

    It's tiny i know but I can dream big right? haha... SO i've decided that the house will look like this:

    1. Walls coloured like this:
    Dark grey on the eastern wall where the TV is most prolly gonna be and turquoise everywhere else. I don't want things looking too formal thus the lighter colour choice. 

    2. Sofa like this 

    Or if this is too big or I can't find something suitable I'll get something like this

    3. Light fixture like this
    Eclectic Living Room design by Atlanta Interior Designer Niki Papadopoulos

    4. Shelving to have this idea

    Except mine would be purple where there is green, grey where there is purple and turquoise where there is grey. hahahaha.

    5. Moroccan accessories like

    Turquoise on the wall, grey on the eastern wall, purple shelves, pale grey sofa, turquoise and purple pillows with gold embroidery on some, bronzy gold table lamps, kulfic basmalah on eastern wall nearer to dining area, area rug, artwork above the sofa on the western wall and a clock. I'm not happy with the clock. Will look for more.


    Wednesday, November 21, 2012

    Halal Eats: Barcelos Review

    For our 1st yr engagement anniversary, he brought me for a simple lunch at Barcelos at vivo city.

    We ordered a plate of chicken stir fry, 1/2 chicken with a side of fries (his) & grill potatoes (mine) and a can of iced tea and coke each (no more free flow).

    - Chicken:: Good but cold inside. Not BRRRRRRRR fridge cold but just room temperature.
    - Sides: Potatoes were simple and good (they had mushrooms so heh you can't go wrong there). Fries were disappointing though. I was hoping for some home made goodness but they gave me sad KFC fries.
    - Chicken stir fry: I could not get one decent picture of it. It was too embarrassed to take a picture so it's not here. It was sad, salty and had more vegetables chicken and rice put together. It tastes like my 5 mins fried rice that uses the knorr chicken stock. it was SAAAAAD.

    It hasn't always been like this though. When I was there a year ago, the food was going down but it wasn't too bad and they still had free flow drinks but if I compare it to the first 5 times I went just after it went halal, the food today had NOTHING compared to what it was then.

    We paid $36.90 plus another $4 for drinks (no, they didnt have a set menu). It's a mid-range price to pay for sad sad food. I don't think we'll be coming back here again anytime soon.

    PS: Ramen Ten at harbourfront centre is no more! BOOOOOO!

    Tuesday, November 20, 2012

    Growing your own food

    My aunt was asking for reliable seed suppliers. When I remembered this video I watched on urban farming.
    Can you imagine being able to grow your own food? They were able to grow their own food in about 400 sq metres of land. That's about 4 times the size of my home but still ever hopeful, I asked my best friend, google, for more information. Lo and behold. I stumbled upon this veggie pipes thing.

    I thought it's a really creative way to plant your own plants considering the amount of space we have. I envision having this to grow my herbs in the service yard since I don't think it's legal to have a window box. DIY project in Dec 2014/2015 maybe. 

    All you need are:


    So it IS possible to grow your own food. Just need to be a little creative. :D

    My Home

    So even before receiving the keys to my home, I've started going crazy with the ideas. I think I've settled on some things.

    Floor Plan
    Colour inspiration:
    So there's turquoise grey gold and purple! Chances are the accent wall will be grey while the living room walls are turquoise. I thought of painting the whole living room grey but it'll be too formal and I'm not too sure about the lighting...I'll throw in the other colours somewhere. So it'll be 60% turquoise 30% gold/grey 10% purple

    Check out this sexy beast of a bedroom. Purple walls, dark grey furniture for me and turquoise accents 60% purple, 30% gold-grey, 10% turquoise

    The two extra rooms will have the 60% pale grey walls, 30% turquoise and 10% purple some place

    From all the rich lovely colours you would have guessed that my design theme is ALL THINGS MARRAKECH! haha. I loved the colour and life while I was there. 

    Check out this luxe purple bathroom that I can never do

    So that's the idea at the moment..

    Tuesday, November 6, 2012

    Book Suggestion 5

    Books are an excellent exam resource. Not allowing your child reading time when preparing for the examinations is akin to asking your child not to speak when preparing for oral examinations. Reading is important. Don't forget that what's more important is discussing what you've read.

    I picked up this book just now at SK. I thought it would be boring but I was wrong. I just had to relax and give it a chance.

    The Unforgotten Coat by Frank Cottrell Boyce

    Synopsis: Walking to America? From Mongolia? Is that even possible? Demons? Do they really exist? Discover the journey these 3 children take as they learn about each other during that moments their lives cross.

    Sunday, November 4, 2012

    Ham and Cheese Bread Roll

    Photo: Ham and cheese bread roll #bread #breadroll #chezshix #hamandcheese

    I think I'm getting the hang of things. Made another ham and cheese bun but it turned out better this time around. I changed up this recipe a little... I think I've got a winner!


    2 cups bread flour
    1 tsp yeast
    1/4 cup lukewarm water
    1/2 cup lukewarm milk
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 tsp salt
    1 tbsp butter
    1/2 lightly whisked egg
    (Conserve other half as egg wash)


    1. Mix up the yeast salt and water and let it froth.
    2. Mix up the sugar salt and flour in a separate bowl
    3. Pour in the yeast mixture and egg followed by the milk slowly.
    4. Knead for about 5 minutes.
    5. Mix in the butter and REALLY have a go at kneading it
    6. Leave it to rise for an hour
    7. Divide into 16 small balls.
    8. Fill them up and leave them on the trays for another hour
    9. 180 degrees for 20 mins.. :)

    Friday, November 2, 2012

    Breakfast Buns

    So I've been on a roll with all the bread making. I started off with the egg buns followed by the tuna buns and last night was ham and cheese. I think I'm getting the hang of things alhamdulillah!

    These are my over-hard tuna buns. I think I got too excited with the kneading. I finally got the hang of it with this recipe. I was super thankful for the photos to kinda guide me along. UNFORTUNATELY, I forgot to take a picture. Maybe next time aye?

    I adapted the recipe and came up with

    300g Bread flour
    2 tsp active yeast
    100g warm water
    90ml milk
    1 slightly whisked egg
    10g sugar
    1 tsp salt
    30 g softened butter

    1. Mix warm water and yeast and leave aside until it bubbles
    2. In another bowl, mix flour, sugar and salt
    3. Form a well in the middle and pour in yeast and egg. Slowly add in milk as necessary. 
    4. Once all kneaded, add in butter and knead again
    5. Leave it for an hour to proof.
    6. Separate into 16 portions. Leave to rise for 30 minutes
    7. Fill in up with filling of choice before leaving it to rise for another 30 mins
    8. Brush with egg yellow
    8. Bake at 170C for 15 mins


    Tuesday, October 30, 2012

    Wedding Confusions

    I'm waiting on HDB to approve my AHG after which I'll have to go through the nikah (solemnisation). The confusion is coz the sanding (wedding reception) is on 1/12/13. That's almost 9 months apart. The plan is to nikah on 17/3/13, settle whatever homey things and then run off on 19/3/13 for a 4-5 day honeymoon to Bali / Thailand, insyaAllah.

    I've started with preparations of course (From the looks of it, you know it doesn't cost $50.)

    Marriage Prep course (To go in Dec)
    Food (Confirm in Feb)
    Room Decor
    Hall Decor
    Baju (Order in Jan)
    Veil (Order after baju)
    Shoes (Order after baju)
    Ring (Buy pre x-mas/new year)
    Photography (abg ayen)
    Bunga Rampai (buy container)

    Food (Morning of & Event)
    Sireh dara
    bunga telur
    Berkat (Adult & children)

    Other related things:
    Family outfit

    My First Egg Bun-a-loaf

    I love those pillowy soft savoury buns especially the otah filled ones from Prima Deli. Unfortunately, budget conscious me decided I cannot buy those things too often. hahaha. I live in a house of 7 so you do the Math. What's the follow up to that? Learn how to bake them of course.
    Cheesy Egg Mayo Buns

    Recipe adapted from here

    Bread Ingredients:
    2 tsp yeast
    50 ml warm water
    1 egg
    150ml cold milk
    320gm Bread Flour
    80gm Plain Flour
    90gm Castor Sugar
    1 tsp Salt
    50gm Butter

    egg yolk + milk (for brushing before baking)

    Filling Ingredients:

    Egg Mayo:
    4 hard boiled eggs
    2 heaping tbsp Mayo
    2 slices cheese cut small

    1 can of tuna (chunks)
    1 small onion

    1. Mix the warm water and yeast and let it froth for about 20 mins
    2. Put all the dry ingredients into a bowl (flour, sugar & salt)
    3. Create a well and pour in the egg and milk
    4. Slowly add in the yeast mixture
    5. Knead.
    6. Knead some more.
    7. After kneading, leave it to proof for about 1 hr
    8. Knead it some more and leave it again for 30 mins
    9. Separate into little balls (I made 16. Could've gotten 20)
    10. Flatten it out and fill it with whatever filling you want and wrap it up
    11. Arrange them into a pan
    12. Leave them covered for 30 mins while you heat up your oven 180C 
    13. Brush them with egg wash
    14. Bake for 20 mins

    Warning: LET IT COOL BEFORE EATING coz cheese is HOT HOT HOT.

    But don't worry. You don't have to follow that warning too closely. Give it a try!

    Monday, October 22, 2012

    I have cats!

    It's been a while. With the school, wedding and housing drama going on, it's difficult to be faithful about this.

    So anyways, I've got a new cat!

    She's only been with us for 5 weeks and then she gave birth haha.. It's been 5 days since the kitties were born. There are 5 of them as you can see. The one on the left is first, the one to his left is the last, the runt of the litter who's currently at the vet right now :(. Then the middle one is third, the white one is 2nd and the one on the right is fourth. It's lovely having cats in the house again. I just hope smalley, the one I want to keep, gets better soon. 

    Saturday, June 30, 2012

    My home will cost me half a million dollars

    Why? May I know why I have to pay half a million dollars to live in 94sqm of borrowed space? At least $1500 of my and my HTB's pay will go to this per month for the next forever. I'm scared. What if he loses his job, what if I can't do mine. Tawakkal (faith) and istiqama (continuously working towards one's goal) is the only answer. We need all the help we can get.

    That said. I'm quite excited. hehehe. For my home more than my wedding.

    Saturday, June 16, 2012

    Book Suggestion 4

    Blood Red Road by Moira Young

    When I first read the book, I was flabbergasted at the horrible spelling. Upon reading it, I understood why. This futuristic book is more suitable for older teens - a little violent, but still very exciting. It touches on the themes of friendship, family and hope which I think they will unwittingly enjoy.

    Cinnamon Sugar Muffins

    So I saw DNA made these. Of course my love for cinnamon made it compulsory for me to make them too. I don't have a sweet tooth so mine's a little different from the original recipe. My mum liked it, the kiddos liked it, but Mr R didn't though. Bleah. BORING!


    1 3/4 cup flour (sifted)
    1 1/2 tsp baking powder
    1/2 tsp salt
    1 tsp ground cinnamon
    1/3 cup oil
    3/4 cup brown sugar
    1 egg
    3/4 cup milk

    Icing sugar
    1 tbsp lemon juice
    1 tbsp ground cinnamon
    3 tbsp sugar

    Makes approx 20 1-inch muffins

    Warning: I made 3 batches of these in 1 go coz they were running out FAST.

    In one bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon together and put it aside. In another bowl, mix all the wet ingredients until well incorporated. Mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. Remember not to over mix. Spoon into your tray. Bake for about 15min at 170C.

    To make the topping, create a glaze by mixing the lemon juice and icing sugar. It should be thin and runny. Next, mix the sugar and cinnamon together in a separate bowl. Once muffins are baked, dip the top into the glaze while it is still warm before dipping it into the cinnamon-sugar mixture. Leave it to cool - cool enough to eat that is. Then you're ready to go. Trust me, it tastes heavenly when warm. Mmmmmm.

    PS: It works just as well without the topping :)

    Of Blondes and Brunettes Part 2

    So here's the blondie recipe I was talking about. It's a fudgy one. If you want it slightly less so, bake it for a little longer.

    115g butter melted
    1 cup brown sugar
    1 egg
    2 tsp vanilla essence
    pinch of salt
    1 cup flour (sifted)
    1/2 cup mini chocolate chips (butterscotch chips would be awesome though)
    1/2 cup toasted nuts (I used a mix of almond and hazlenuts)


    Whisk the butter, sugar, egg and vanilla essence till it comes together. Then, add in the rest of the stuff and mix. Bake in a 9x9" pan (make sure it's greased and floured first) at 160C for 20-25 min.

    Original recipe here.

    This one is a bigger hit at my house as compared to the brownies as it isn't as rich.

    Of Blondes and Brunettes Part 1

    Ok not really. I made brownies and blondies yesterday. Alhamdulillah my mum liked it, so did Mr R.

    Brownie recipe as follows:

    180g melted butter
    1 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
    1 cup white sugar
    1/2 cup oil (separate about 3 tbsp for greasing)
    5 medium sized eggs
    3 tsp vanilla extract
    1 1/4 cup cocoa (dutch process or not)
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon baking powder
    1 1/2 cups flour (sifted)
    1 cup mini chocolate chips (optional)
    1/2 cup toasted nuts - I used walnuts (optional)

    Makes about 60 1 inch mini muffins


    Whisk the butter, sugar, oil, eggs and vanilla. Add in the rest of the ingredients and mix until just incorporated. Spoon into the Bake at 160C for 15min

    Original recipe here.

    They are really good. And easy.