Monday, October 19, 2015

Wak Eton's Roti Jala / Roti Kirai with chicken curry

Roti Kirai/ Roti Jala is  a comforting staple. Beautiful and soft latticed pancakes. Theyre awesome.

Wak eton (my mum's eldest sister with her angelic cooking hands) does it like this:

500g flour
2 eggs
1 can evaporated milk
Pinch of tumeric powder
2 tsp salt (to taste)
Water as needed
Oil to cook

Flat pan/gridle
Roti jala scoop
Fish slice

Throw all this in a food processor and let it do the hard work. It should have the consistency of pancake batter. Once its ready, grease the pan, use the scoop/bottle to form a lattice (google it yo!) And once cooked, fold it in eighths and youre good to go.

Traditionally, we have this with curry. This is my aunt's curry

200g shallots (ground)
7 cloves garlic (ground)
1 inch ginger (ground)
1 tsp each cardamom, star anise and cloves
1 stick cinnamon
2 stalks curry leaves
4 tbsp curry powder
500g chicken
3 potatoes
2 carrot
3 tomatoes
1 bunch coriander leaves/stem
200ml yoghurt
500ml water

1. Grind the shallots, garlic and ginger to a smooth paste.
2. Mix the paste with the curry powder.
3. Add the chicken into this paste for at least 30 min while you prep the rest of the stuff
4. Peel and quarter the potatoes and carrots
5. In a large pot, heat the oil.
6. Add the cardamom, star anise, cloves, cinnamon and fry at low heat till fragrant. Be careful not to burn!
7. Add the curry leaves before adding the chicken. Mix constantly to make sure you dont burn it!
8. Once the chicken is 3/4 cooked and the spices are fragrant, add in salt, water and vegetables and let it simmer. Do stir occassionally.
9. Once the gravy has thickened, add the yoghurt and coriander. Mix thoroughly and thats it!

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