Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ayam percik (Grilled chicken)

As the chicken bubbles over the stove, I'm reminded why it's called ayam percik (literally translated: splatter chicken) with the gravy sputtering and splattering all over the place. It's a quick, simple and non-heartbreaking recipe.

Prep time: 10 min
Cooking time: 40min


To groud till fine:
10 cloves shallots
4 cloves garlic
2" ginger
1" galangal
6-8 pcs dried chilli (pre-soaked)
1 tsp tumeric
4 candlenuts

500 g chicken
1 piece tumeric leaf (optional)
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup coconut milk
Oil for stirfrying
1 cup water 

It a wok/pot, heat up the oil then add in the ground ingredients. On medium-Low heat, fry for about 10 mins or till fragrant. While this is happening, thinly slice the tumeric leaves and wash your chicken. Once the ground ingredients are fragrant, add in the chicken and water. Let it cook for 15 mins before adding in the salt, turmeric leaf and coconut milk. Cook for another 10-15 mins or till the chicken is cooked and the mixture thickens. 

Ps: always cook Malay dishes with a medium to medium low heat to develop the flavours and ensure even cooking. 

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