Saturday, August 23, 2014

Shix cooks: Prata

Why would anyone make prata? Let me lay it down for you:
It's 5.30 am and you're hungry. You heat up the chicken curry you cooked the day before while you hunt for bread to toast on a pan. You go to the bread box and you find an empty bread bag. It seems the hungry husband got to it first. So what do you do? You open the pantry and see the multiple bags of flour. Leftovers from all the Eid baking you did. You think to yourself: Should I make bread? Naaaah. Too long. So what else goes with curry? Prata. 

I'm sorry my brain works weirdly. So after a bit of googling, I came up with this recipe. Please note that a lot of eyeballing is involved. 

2 cups flour
1 egg
Healthy pinch of salt and sugar
100ml of oil + 100ml more 
150ml of water

In the mixing bowl, put together the flour, salt, sugar and egg. Get that mixed up before pouring the100ml of oil. Add water in a little bit at a time. Add more oil/flour as is necessary. Mix that up till it's nice and smooth. 
Separate the ball of dough into 2 or 3 and oil them before putting it into an oiled bowl to rest for an hour. 
Once it's done resting, oil a surface (I just placed grease proof paper on my kitchen tabletop and poured some oil on it). Flatten out your prata and oil it before frying it with more oil. 

As you can already tell, it needs lots of oil. You can choose to use healthier oils and reduce the amount of oil used during the flattening process - although, that will not give you the proper prata experience - which will give you a crispy flat bread like mine. 😁

Side note: while waiting for the prata to rest, you can make yourself some sambal tumis.
Sambal tumis ikan bilis

3 large onions, blended 
3 spoonfuls Chili paste
1 piece asam keping
Handful of ikan bilis
Salt and sugar to taste

Stirfry the onion followed by the chili paste. Remember that chili to onion ratio should be 1:2. After a few mins of stirfrying, add in the asam. Then, add ikan bilis and cook for a few more minutes before adding sugar and salt to taste

The end.